Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Criticism that was a Compliment.

I was taken to task last week by one of my readers (she knows who she is) for not writing in some time. The question was raised whether I only write when I am sick, and questioning, as I did in my first post, whether the Alta Californian had simply not outlived its founding cause (that nasty case of bronchitis). I have no easy answer for this.

Life has been interesting in the last month. I have found myself quite busy, at work, at home, at church, and to a certain extent in my personal life. In theory that would give me lots of material to write about. And in some way it has. In some ways it has given me too much to write about. Each post could end up a tome, and I really have no time or interest in that (and I doubt anyone else would either). But that should be no excuse. So I will issue my mea culpa now, but I also can make no promises. Most bloggers I know have eventually fallen off after a burst of initial zeal. Many have eventually come back, many have not. Nearly all have promised they would. The easiest way to not break promises is to not make them. So...there.

But I must admit, the knowledge that someone found my blog interesting enough to chastise me for not posting to it is rather cheering. Especially when it is from someone I didn't realize was reading in the first place. (Merci, madam).

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